Thursday, June 07, 2007

New things

Well, Rose is officially walking. She took a few steps here and there, but on Sunday she really took off. She is now walking 3-5 steps at a time before she falls, and she practices several times a day.

Did I mention that she also has a molar?

Also, I started reading a wonderful book Sleepless in America. Using the author's techniques, I had Lacy sleeping in her own bed, in her own room, without crying, and without me nursing her to sleep, the first night we tried it. So tonight is night three, and she complained and wants to be back in our bed, but it's too difficult now that she has trouble nursing to sleep and now that Rose is getting so much bigger and waking a lot at night due to a growth spurt and teething.

Tomorrow is another big day-- we are finding out the results of Lacy's allergy testing. I'm so nervous! Hopefully it's things that are easily controllable.

And, we're going on vacation this month! Woo hoo! I'm so excited! I'll be getting out of the heat here and enjoying myself in nice, temperate Utah and Arizona! LOL! I've got to finish buying some gDiaper inserts (because I couldn't possibly use disposables while I'm gone because I'm too much of a hippie for that) and in 2 weeks I'll be flying high! With two toddlers! By myself! Yikes!

In other news, check out my new food blog: Mama, I'm Hungry!

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