Saturday, January 17, 2009

Call, Write and Email!

February 10th is not too far away, people. Soon the government will be taking over our right to sell and buy quality, unique, handmade items by requiring testing that is prohibitively expensive to small business owners. Testing for one kid's telescope is estimated to be $24,000, but the annual sales of this product are only $32,000! How is this going to help the economy? This will force thousands of businesses to cease doing business!

This could also affect your local library-- books will be subject to this law, too. The price of books will increase, and the books already in the kid's section will be suspect.

And even though there is an "exemption" for second-hand stores, they are still liable if they sell something that has toxins in it, even the tiniest amounts. Violations of the law can be met with federal prison time and fines of up to $100,000.

I know I'm just another "mommy blogger" that the CPSC (consumer product safety commission) hates so much. They said "mommy bloggers" are spreading misinformation and paranoia. Well, is Forbes Magazine on the same level as "mommy bloggers," CPSA?

Seriously, you guys, I am terrified at the detrimental affects this law will have on our economy, on our children, and on our future! Please call, write and email your senators and congressmen about this issue! This doesn't just affect small business owners, this affects our economy as a whole. This law is too restrictive and unfair! Call your senators and representatives!

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