Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Chunky Monkey!

My little guy is growing like a weed! He's 9 weeks old tomorrow and is still just as huge as ever and smiling a lot (and eating a lot, too!). He's a good baby except at midnight when he starts crying and doesn't let off until 1 or 2 am. But then he sleeps practically all morning and won't wake up until mid-afternoon! I'm trying to switch his schedule around slightly so he'll sleep soundly starting around 9 pm. Good luck with that, right?

Riah had his 2 month checkup on Monday and they weighed and measured him. He weighs 13 pounds 13 ounces (and this was on a cleared-out system- he had just filled a diaper and hadn't eaten in a couple of hours) and is 24 1/2 inches long. Head circumference is 16.5 inches. Weight and head are 80th percentiles, length is 84th. Everything looks good with his health and he just gets cuter every day!

1 comment:

Jeff and Jessie said...

We have the same family genetics I think-that what my babies weigh at two months too. Maybe we just make ice cream for milk or something!